Lost, Sick, Stuck

I preached at my church on Sunday, and the sermon, “Lost, Sick, Stuck,” is posted as a streaming audio. http://fpcsantarosa.org/mp3_files/071909-TimS.mp3. It’s on Psalm 107, with an introduction on the importance of praising of God, and then four sketches of people in trouble who are redeemed by God’s help. I think the psalm teaches us that a thankful lifestyle is not composed of a general attitude, but gets down to specific cases. Trouble comes in many very different forms–there’s no single recipe for human distress–but one God redeems those who cry out to him. It’s a wonderful psalm and I got a lot out of it.

One Response to “Lost, Sick, Stuck”

  1. Bob & Carolyn Hampel Says:

    It was so good to hear your voice, Tim. Your conversational way of speaking is very effective. You have made Psalm 107 come alive for us. Carolyn and Bob

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