Where Did All These People Come From?

I couldn’t figure out why so many people were suddenly looking at my blog. (Hundreds.) Then my friend Tom congratulated me on being cited on The Internet Monk blog. This appears to be an honor. The post referred to my post on evangelicals and science and wrote an interesting hypothetical. I recommend it for further reflections on this troubling topic.  http://www.internetmonk.com/archive/niki-made-her-choice-and-apparently-so-did-we#respond

6 Responses to “Where Did All These People Come From?”

  1. iMonk Says:

    This was a great link for my piece. I was glad to see you have a blog. Hope I can link more of your stuff in the future.

    BTW- your blog looks like you are Amish 🙂

  2. Bill Reichert Says:

    Coincidentally I also sent a recommendation on 10/6 to my Christian googlegroup that they check out your blog, Tim. I’d like to think that a few of those folks dropped by!

  3. Dan Stringer Says:

    It’s about time this blog got some publicity, but I thought all the traffic was due my listing you on my prestigious blogroll top 20.

    Scratch that because no one pays attention to my blogroll top 20.

  4. Carolyn Dunn Says:

    Let it be known, Tim, that I read your blog because I think you’re cute! Even before you were famous.

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